Entries by DivineMatrix9

Sexuality and creativity

Those who creates peace in our strongest force – sexual energy so it runs continuously in the circulation, has connected into harmony of creation of the cosmic forces. My own experience! Sexual energy is the cosmic creator of everything new and of course on the other hand is the force that can destroys all existing […]

Matrix of Space and Time

The matrix of space and time, is a frequency of cosmic structure of interwoven mesh in my current understanding. In this matrix is constant vibration, motion and rotation in the spiral rhythm. Matrix vibrates every moment, and inside it are all the ideas, information, and data. We use a variety of other terms such as: […]

Mateja about herself

My childhood was filled with wonderful stories. Grandma told them to me every night. I imagined them like they were reality. At night I was singing and talking in my dreams and walked and almost flew. I stayed a dreamer but only some visions received their own place in my everyday life. About sixteen years […]